SoCal Horror Update!

It seems like after Midsummer Scream and Scare LA there have been quite a few updates for the 2017 Haunt Season. Let’s take a look!

  • August 14- September 10 sees “The IT Experience,” so if you feel brave enough to enter the Neibolt House, you should head down to Hollywood and Vine in Los Angeles. It’s open from 11AM-11PM daily. The cool thing is, the admission is free! This is pretty great considering how pricy many of the SoCal haunts have become. Another bonus is that it is like a pre-haunt. You get some frights before the season officially begins. Now, It won’t be in theaters until September 8th, so unless you’re one of the lucky few to go on the 9th and 10th of September, chances are you won’t have seen the film. If you want to go to a later date, you had better get on now and make your reservations! Make them here!
  • At Midsummer Scream Universal Studios really didn’t reveal all that much — just the schematics of some pretty cool new scare zones. Now we have all but two mazes revealed. American Horror Story: Roanoke – based off of this last season of AHS, this maze will take you through the harrowing experience of the Blood Moon, better watch out for those spirits! The Shining – Based off of the classic film from Stanley Kubrick, this maze will take guests on a tour of the scariest parts of the Overlook Hotel. We were lucky enough at Midsummer Scream to see some of the maze through a slideshow. They’ve got all the details down, even one of the most important characters – the carpet. Ash vs. Evil Dead – Based on the extremely popular television show, this will take guests through many of the locations of Ash’s life post deadites. We were promised that the cabin in the woods would make an appearance, as would some of the beloved characters from this show. Titans of Terror – Now, last year was probably one of the best HHNs we had been to precisely because of these titans, so we are thrilled that this will be a maze all of its own. Freddy, Jason and Leatherface will make an appearance here (as well as on the tram, led by Chucky). Sad to say there is no Michael Myers here, Maybe he will have his own maze again? Hard to say. Saw – With the new installment of the Saw franchise coming out this October, this definitely makes sense. It definitely be fun to see the traps we’ve all come to know and love, thanks to Jigsaw. Now there’s just two mazes left to be revealed! What do you think they might be? 
  • Another haunt that was pretty tight-lipped at Midsummer Scream was Knott’s Scary Farm. We did hear that Trick or Treat has been completely revamped into a totally dark maze. Haunt-goers will have a flashlight that is controlled completely by the maze operators. This sounds like it could be a lot of fun, especially with the promised new locations. A while ago they posted that The Tooth Fairy will be back. We really enjoy this maze,  but it has been around a while. We have confirmed Shadowlands, the really fantastic new samurai themed maze from last year, and Paranormal Inc. which is a great maze, but hopefully there will be some new things added? CarnEVIL, Fiesta de lose Muertos, Ghost Town, and the Hollow confirmed as return scare zones. Sadly, this will also be Elvira’s last year performing. According to the website, there are 6 items still to be announced. Hopefully everything will be made known at the pass holders event on 8/31! Who else is going to that event? We’ll see you there!

There are some of the updates of things going on in the SoCal haunt scene. Now these are obviously some of the big name haunts here, what are some of the more independent haunts that we should be keeping track of? Let us know in the comments below!

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